Tiempo en la vida inter / Time in inter life

Tiempo en la vida inter / Time in inter life

Tiempo en la vida inter / Time in inter life

This drawing is called, in Spanish, Tiempo en la vida inter. The English translation is Time in inter life. In the centre of the image is the profile of a feminine appearing person with headphones around her neck. The headphones have an analogue clock face on it. In the background are different images from a different place and time. On the left is an empty classroom with a single person sitting at a desk. On the right is a hospital bed with a person standing next to it. At the top of the drawing are famous buildings from around the world.

Tiempo en la vida inter

Algun*s de nosotr*s  sufrimos intervenciones médicas innecesarias y no consensuadas, que nos causan problemas graves en nuestra salud física y mental. Estas intervenciones también pueden hacernos sentir muy sol*s en muchas situaciones de nuestras vidas.

¡No te rindas, es hora de alzar la voz!

Time in inter life

Some of us suffer unnecessary and non-consensual medical interventions, causing us serious problems in our physical and mental health. These interventions can also cause us to be very lonely in many aspects of our lives.

Do not give up, it’s time to raise your voice!

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